Attenuation tanks

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What is an attenuation tank?

An attenuation tank collects and stores excess surface water run-off from large storm events or heavy rainfall. They are usually used for larger municipal or commercial applications.

The water is released from the attenuation tank at a controlled rate, slowing down the run-off before being released into a local water course such as a river, lake or reservoir. This minimises the risk of localised flooding, an increasing issue in the UK where sporadic torrential rain events are becoming more and more common.

Example applications

  • areas under threat of stormwater
  • areas prone to surface water flooding
  • municipal
  • commercial
  • industrial
  • protection of infrastructure from floodwater
  • railways
  • underground car parks


How does an attenuation tank work?

Stormwater run-off is channelled into drainage infrastructure which diverts into the attenuation tank. The water inside the attenuation tank is released in a controlled manner and is either pumped via a pumping chamber or run-off through a gravity stormwater pipe system.

Attenuation tanks work by collecting the excess rainwater and by having a flow-control chamber. This controls the amount and velocity of water being pumped out into the drainage system, reducing the risk of flooding to the local area.

An excavation to install three Rewatec stormwater attenuation tanks.

Pipes can then carry the water to various locations depending upon the needs of the site and installation.

Attenuation tank maintenance

We can provide a range of services to maximise the life of your Rewatec attenuation tank and to provide years of reliable operation.

Contact us to find out more

We stand by our products

For over 50 years, we have proudly developed sustainable and long-lasting products that make a real difference for our customers, our professional partners, and, above all, our planet.

Our experience in the industry allows us to give you a 25 year warranty for our attenuation tanks.

Rewatec 25 years warranty


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​​​​​​At Premier Tech we strive to fully meet the requirements of our professional partners. If you require product functionality guidance or more detailed information for installations, we can provide a solution to meet your needs.

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Free quote

Contact our expert in your area for more information about the range of Rewatec attenuation tanks, additional treatment options, and accessories that are right for you.

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